Saturday, September 27, 2008

Time Out

Mommy bought me this new t-shirt at Target (where else?!?). She said it describes me perfectly. I wore it for the first time Friday.

How mean am I?!?
*Just in case you can't read it - it says "This is my Time Out Shirt. I wear it all day long."


Unknown said...

Michael I love your shirt. I hope you had fun at Parent's Night Out!

JoAnn said...

I just found that exact shirt yesterday. When I saw it, I laughed out loud right in the store and just had to find one in my son's size. He's wearing it today.

Another shirt I found (same store)is screen printed to look like mom took a piece of notebook paper and duct taped it to the shirt. It says, "Why I'm in Trouble" and lists a few reasons.

My husband says I'm going to give him a complex with all these shirts about him being in trouble.