Monday, September 15, 2008

Potty update!

Just thought I would let you know how today went! I took Pull-Ups to school with Michael and filled his teachers in on the weekends' events. They were very excited for him and were very agreeable to take him to the potty. I took him before I left him (I must say, I want one of those little potties for the house - they are SO cute!) and he went pee-pee. When Richie picked him up this afternoon, the teacher told him that his pull-ups had stayed dry all day and he went to the potty every time!! I must admit I was very surprised to see him in the same outfit this afternoon that he went to school in! I was expecting at least one accident (even though he wears pull-ups they don't always hold it all!) and I prepared by sending three extra outfits!!! But, they were not needed! So, I am very proud of my little (big) boy!!

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