Sunday, August 31, 2008

Sunday School

Richie and I started teaching a three-year old Sunday School class at our church at the beginning of the summer. My cousin, Taylor, has been coming the last few weeks to help. Which has been nice to have the extra hands because last week we had 11! This week, with it being a Holiday weekend, we only had 7. Since we were still not feeling well (Michael hadn't thrown up anymore since Friday morning - thank Goodness!! - but we all had snotty noses) we just went to teach and skipped our SS class (which we go to after we teach). Since we were only going to be there an hour and he wasn't feeling well, we just let Michael go to our class with us. It was fun to see him interact with the "big kids". Yes, he goes to school but Richie and I don't often get the chance to truly see him "interact" with other children. He enjoyed himself. Although, he wanted to make sure that everyone knew that it was "MY daddy" in the floor playing!! I took my camera this morning and here are a few random shots.....
Taylor playing play-doh with the kids
More play-doh
Michael had to wash his hands after playing with the play-doh for a few minutes (he can't stand to have his hands dirty!!!)
Forget the play-doh - I'll read a book instead!
A book about my favorite subject - Tractors!!!

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