Friday, August 29, 2008

Sick boy

Well, Richie and I were awakened at 5:00 this morning to the sound every parent hates to hear - Michael throwing up. I had been scared it was coming, when I picked him up from school on Wednesday, a child had just thrown up all over the classroom. SO, I figured it was inevitable. Thank goodness I didn't really have anything lined up today for work (I was going to observe in the schools but that can easily wait until next week) so I was able to keep him home. Which worked out for me too since I have got a horrible sinus/cold thing going on! He was quite pitiful and just lounged around and watched Dora (Dor-ya as he says). Thankfully, as of right now (7:30 pm) he has not gotten sick since about 10:30 am and has kept down several small glasses of water and a few saltines. Hopefully we're on the mend!! Here are a couple of pics I took this morning - he looked so pitiful.

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