Friday, June 20, 2008

Audrey Caroline

This link was passed along to me by a good friend of mine earlier this week. I have finally finished reading the entire story of this family and I must say, it has touched me like nothing else ever has. I feel like this woman is my new best friend - and we have never spoken. She puts into words the things that I have been feeling over the past three months that I couldn't find the words to express. Finally, someone who understands EXACTLY how I feel. Sisters in sorrow. When you have a chance sometime, please check out this blog. Your life will be changed forever by her words and the story of this precious baby girl who is with my beautiful Caden, watching over us every day.
Thank you Casey, for sending me this at a time when i needed it very, very much. I love you.

1 comment:

The Overstreets said...

I love you too! Don't pay attention to anyone else's negative comments. You made the right choice to be at home these past few months. You are a brave and courageous person who I am glad to call my friend!