Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Presidential Debate

Oh how cool!! I (sort-of) know someone at the debate tonight! The blog I follow religiously about the couple that lost their daughter, Audrey Caroline, well - the couple (Todd and Angie Smith) live in Nashville. Todd got randomly selected by the Gallup poll to participate in tonight's debate! How cool is that?!? He is in the FRONT ROW!! He's wearing a hunter green long sleeve dress shirt and kahki pants - and he's bald. I hope he gets to ask his question!! I feel like I know them from reading their blog for so long and going through a similar experience of losing a child. AND, to add to the coincidence - one of my best friends, Casey, lives in Murfresboro and goes to the Bible study that Angie leads! It's totally a small world. Anyway, see their blog for a more in-depth explanation. Just thought I would share this!! Too cool!!!

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