Sunday, August 31, 2008


Since we skipped our Sunday School class this morning, we went out to eat with Cereta and Taylor to Chili's (we don't usually get to go with them anymore since they get through at 11 and we stay until 12 for our SS). We met some good friends of ours there with their grandson. He is almost a year younger than Michael but almost as big! They had a good time playing with each other. You can also tell that Michael's tummy was feeling better - I ordered a Molten Chocolate Lava Cake (YUMMERS!) thinking the ice cream would feel good on my itchy throat (at least that was my excuse-heehee). However, when it came out, someone else grabbed a spoon and went to town!! I managed to get a couple of bites - and it sure was yummy!!

Michael and Weston


Sunday School

Richie and I started teaching a three-year old Sunday School class at our church at the beginning of the summer. My cousin, Taylor, has been coming the last few weeks to help. Which has been nice to have the extra hands because last week we had 11! This week, with it being a Holiday weekend, we only had 7. Since we were still not feeling well (Michael hadn't thrown up anymore since Friday morning - thank Goodness!! - but we all had snotty noses) we just went to teach and skipped our SS class (which we go to after we teach). Since we were only going to be there an hour and he wasn't feeling well, we just let Michael go to our class with us. It was fun to see him interact with the "big kids". Yes, he goes to school but Richie and I don't often get the chance to truly see him "interact" with other children. He enjoyed himself. Although, he wanted to make sure that everyone knew that it was "MY daddy" in the floor playing!! I took my camera this morning and here are a few random shots.....
Taylor playing play-doh with the kids
More play-doh
Michael had to wash his hands after playing with the play-doh for a few minutes (he can't stand to have his hands dirty!!!)
Forget the play-doh - I'll read a book instead!
A book about my favorite subject - Tractors!!!

Friday, August 29, 2008

Sick boy

Well, Richie and I were awakened at 5:00 this morning to the sound every parent hates to hear - Michael throwing up. I had been scared it was coming, when I picked him up from school on Wednesday, a child had just thrown up all over the classroom. SO, I figured it was inevitable. Thank goodness I didn't really have anything lined up today for work (I was going to observe in the schools but that can easily wait until next week) so I was able to keep him home. Which worked out for me too since I have got a horrible sinus/cold thing going on! He was quite pitiful and just lounged around and watched Dora (Dor-ya as he says). Thankfully, as of right now (7:30 pm) he has not gotten sick since about 10:30 am and has kept down several small glasses of water and a few saltines. Hopefully we're on the mend!! Here are a couple of pics I took this morning - he looked so pitiful.

Rebel without a Cause

Well, I guess this is what happens when you leave the boys on their own! Richie and Michael went the other night to get haircuts. When they came home - this is what I saw!! It had SO much gel in it that they both had to take showers to get it out! Thank goodness it laid back down and was as good as new.

Michael's Bathroom Makeover

As if we didn't have enough "makeovers" going on at our house, I was in Target the other day (have I mentioned how much I LOVE that Cleveland has gotten a Target?!?) and saw this adorable bathroom set. Michael is obsessed with Trucks and Tractors of any kind so when I saw this I knew he'd love it. Plus, he'd kind of outgrown the frogs and ducks that we decorated with before he was born (actually-after having to use that bathroom while ours has been out of order - I was the one that "outgrew" it!) Here are some before and after shots.....We didn't repaint, although the new set doesn't go perfectly with the yellow, it will do for now.

I will try to take some pictures of our bedroom and bathroom sometime this weekend and get them posted. They aren't totally done yet, but you can see the progress!!! YAY!!

Goodbye Friends @ SHCC

This was taken on my last day at the nursing home. These are my gals from the Rehab dept.
Front Row (L to R): Imelda (PT), Susie (PTA), Kerry (PTA), Megan (OT) with Mia and Morgan (her twin girls that just turned 2)
Back Row: Holli (Our Rehab Manager and DPT), Amber (PTA), Me, Anna (COTA), Terri (COTA), and Alison (COTA)
Most of these girls I worked with for the better part of my four years I was there (and most of us worked together at Life Care before SHCC!) and, while I LOVE my new job, I do miss them all.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

My New Job

Well, I finally started my new job last week. For those of you that don't know, I resigned from my job at the nursing home where I have been for the past (almost) four years. As many of you know, I have not been happy there for a while and this whole experience with Caden has just made me realize that life is too short not to be happy so I began searching for a new job. Actually I was just looking for some extra PRN work and this job kind of fell into my lap and I couldn't turn it down! I am working for a contract company, which means I am not in one location every day. I am out and about in various places all the time. My schedule changes day to day and I love it!! I had gotten very bored and burned out at the nursing home and this is giving me the changes and new experiences that I was craving. Last week I did hospital work, home health, a child care center for special needs children, and outpatient. This week I am doing more home health, the child care center, possibly some schools, and more hospital work. My daily schedule is flexibile and three days last week I was able to sleep in, take Michael to school, and eat breakfast with my husband all before going to work-and still got home at a decent time in the afternoon! I love it!! I do miss my patients at the nursing home and most of my co-workers. However, after four years, it was time for a change. Just wanted to let you guys know, since many of you have been emailing me wanting to know how it's going. Thanks for all the prayers as I have made this transition!


I have added a link to another blog that I have been following lately (that I got off of Angie Smith's blog about Audrey). It is by a woman who is pregnant with her fourth child who has a heart condidtion. If you have time, stop by and read about her family and pray for baby Stellan. She uses code names for her and all her children, MckMama, Big Mac (her oldest son-3), MckNugget (her second son-2), Small Fry (her 9-month old daugther), and MckMuffin (baby Stellan who is due in November). She is a hilarious writer and her faith and humor as she goes through this pregnancy will make you smile!! Enjoy.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Boys and their toys....

I am in a "tractor" phase right now and this weekend Mommy and Daddy bought me my first remote controlled tractor. I immediately tried it out once we got home. It didn't take me long at all to figure it out. I love it!!

Even my Daddy wanted a turn to play with it!

MMMM, Cake!

A couple of weeks ago, Mommy and Daddy's Sunday School class had a social and we had cupckes. I LOVED eating the icing and I had it all over me. That was the fun part. I didn't like it when Daddy turned the hose on me to rinse me off!!

Michael "Tool Man" VanNostran

I really also enjoy playing with my tools and toolbench that I got for my birthday. I like to wear my goggles and play with my tools. Hammering is my favorite!! Like father like son!

Chef Michael

I love playing with my kitchen the Mommy and Daddy got for my birthday. I just recently decided to start wearing my chefs hat when I play. Mommy thinks I look hilarious in it! I can grill a mean potato chip - now on to the steaks!

Squeeze my cheeks

This is my new hobby - squeezing my cheeks! It cracks my mommy and daddy up and I enjoy making them laugh! The other day, mommy and I were fixing to go bye-bye and she turned around and I made her laugh! Thank goodness she had the camera with her....